Sunday, June 21, 2020

The Social Media Pillars of Business Essaypilot

The advancement of the technology has brought about change in everything in daily life. It has also caused business strategies to take another route which is social media people do not need to walk door to door explaining what they are selling. One just requires to post on the social media platforms, and the consumers will buy the products from there. But, in order a business to succeed in these platforms, there are potential strategies need to be considered first such as albeit, engagement, argument, and influence. For these strategies to work, four pillars are needed to ensure the stability of the platform. The four components are entertainment, collaboration, education, and communication. Their work is to categorize the audience engagement and makes a person understand what is being achieved or missing. The organization does something to communicate with its audience, but the way message is perceived measures the effectiveness of the communication strategy. It is well known that best communication strategy triggers the beneficial reaction as the traditional means of communicating do not give the needed feedback (Pauna, et al. 2015). Therefore, it is the organization duty to determine the best strategies which in this case is social media for it is easy to measure things that translate loss or profit. There has been the massive problem in almost every organization when it comes to collaboration. But social media has brought about a tool known as the wiki which is helping to create and edit content especially the manual with the core of the business. Thus, it is essential for organizations to establish companys wiki as it will help the audience and the employees to collaborate in ways that seems difficult before. By creating and maintaining dynamic productivity tools which are improved. This help to leverage their collective wisdom for the best interest of the organization since wiki serves not only as the collaborative method but also a collaboration method. It should be done keenly as the benefits of this type of collaboration may cause loss of control which is felt by the business manager. Most of the managers have been offering training to the employees as they think they are only people who need it and forget the external audience. For an organization to increase its sales, it must educate the audience how the products are used. The businesses which are succeeding through social media are using platforms such as YouTube to educate its audience on ways of using the products. It helps to enhance the brand to the consumer creating the image (Pauna, et al. 2015). For instance, in this case, Big Tony the plumber has been using YouTube since 2007 and had more than five thousand viewers as he posts videos that answer question people ask themselves about plumbing every day. Some might consider it as entertainment, but one should not be afraid as entertainment does not mean funny. An organization is supposed to identify the audience before posting its products on social media platforms. There are two main types of audience, internal also known as intracompany and external which entails the consumers and investors. For the company to understand the audience, it must use principles such as demonstrating their behavior, and this can be done by helping them create a profile. There is a relationship between what people says he or she does and what they do. Therefore, to learn about the audience, one is supposed to ask them the question. Their attitudes, values, and beliefs should be considered for they help determine what the audience needs as they have definite preferences and needs. Through these steps, an organization can acquire success in social media. References: Pauna, C. B., Iordan, M., Chilian, M. N. (2015). Competitiveness And Innovation In The Romanian Region How Much Progress During The Post-Accession Period? The USV Annals of Economics and Public Administration, 15(1 (21)), 133-141.`